Helen Howell * Militant Defender of the Catholic Faith
My late grandmother, Helen Howell, embraced the Catholic Faith in 1942 at the age of 39. This blog shares her writings and letters from the 1960s, a time of great upheaval and change within the Church. Witnessing the "protestantization" of her beloved faith, she felt called to defend its traditions with unwavering determination. May her legacy inspire us as we continue to stand firm for our One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. May she rest in peace and intercede for us all.
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Helen Howell at the keys...the piano keys.
The Story Behind "The Secret of the Rosary"
"The Secret of the Rosary": From 18th Century France to Modern Spiritual Classic
St. Louis de Montfort's masterwork "The Secret of the Rosary," written in early 18th century France, stands as one of Catholicism's most influential spiritual guides. This treasured manual, which explains the profound theology and practice of the Rosary devotion, has transformed countless lives through its journey from handwritten manuscript to global spiritual phenomenon. Its modern resurgence, sparked by one American family's dedication, reveals how divine providence can work through ordinary people to spread extraordinary grace.
Origins and Early History
In 1716, just months before his death, St. Louis de Montfort completed his manuscript explaining the history, prayers, and mystical meanings of the Rosary. The saint, known for his profound Marian devotion, wrote the text to help both beginners and advanced souls deepen their relationship with Jesus through Mary. The work circulated initially in French Catholic communities before being translated into other languages, though its reach remained limited for over two centuries.
A Family's Divine Inspiration
In the mid-1960s, the book's destiny shifted through an unexpected channel. Helen Howell, a convert to Catholicism, and her son J. Bruce "Bud" Howell discovered the 1954 hardcover edition published by the Montfort Fathers. The timing proved providential – the Second Vatican Council had recently concluded, and many Catholics sought to deepen their traditional devotions. The Howells recognized that making this spiritual treasure more accessible could help answer Our Lady of Fatima's call for increased prayer and devotion to the Rosary.
From Basement to Breakthrough
As owner of Christ and Country Books in Rockford, Illinois, Bud Howell took the bold step of publishing an affordable paperback edition. The project truly became a family ministry when Helen offered her basement as a storage facility for the thousands of printed copies. The editions gained their now-famous cover image when Bud discovered a striking portrayal of Our Lady of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary at a St. Thomas School rummage sale – a seemingly chance find that would become iconic.
A Legacy Continues
Between 1965 and 1969, the Howells produced five editions of their paperback version. Helen's friendship with Thomas A. Nelson, founder of TAN Publishers, proved crucial for the book's future. Recognizing TAN's growing reach in Catholic publishing and shared commitment to traditional spirituality, Helen arranged for them to take over publication in October 1970. This transition ensured the work would reach an even wider audience while maintaining its spiritual integrity.
Under TAN's stewardship, "The Secret of the Rosary" has flourished, with over 30 printings reaching more than 5.3 million readers worldwide. The book continues to fulfill its original purpose, teaching new generations the profound spiritual wisdom of Marian devotion through the Rosary.
Impact and Spiritual Legacy
The enduring influence of "The Secret of the Rosary" extends far beyond sales figures. It has helped revive Rosary devotion in countless parishes, inspired numerous Rosary prayer groups, and provided spiritual guidance to readers seeking deeper connection with their faith. The Howells' vision of making this spiritual classic more accessible has borne fruit far beyond their initial hopes, contributing to a renewal of Marian devotion in modern times.
Helen and Bud Howell's labor of love continues to touch lives today, a testament to how divine providence can work through faithful individuals to spread spiritual treasures to new generations. May their souls, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
BLACK ADVENT - 1964 by H. Howell
I have never spent such a black Advent before; felt as though I died that First Sunday of Advent when officially the Mass was changed. We’re past the point of no return and I tremble for the future chaos that could happen to our Holy Faith. Never thought it would go this far. The attached copies of letters were sent to several priests with a copy to our Pope with Christmas cards.
The Wanderer has mentioned our Holy Father (Pope Paul VI) was seen weeping at the dissension in the Church and the verbal attacks made against him by the liberal element. My Advent has been spent doing all I can to win souls for Christ by prayer, sacrifice and daily Masses, the best Christmas we can give Him; I’m so aware to that our Mass could become obscured altogether and I want to take advantage of the privilege as long as possible.
We must do more and inspire others too; the situation is serious but God can do nothing for us until we heed His Mothers wishes. Never before has it become so important to root yourself deeply in the Faith, a building of a Kingdom of God within. . Pray, pray much, especially the family Rosary for world peace.
"SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD" by Helen Howell (1964)
Editor, The Wanderer:
To confuse issues is one of the most successful ruses of the Devil. In our activities to expose Communism, has he beguiled us into too much "beating of the air" in that direction, with the result that we are ignoring the real evil, of which Communism is but the symptom --- the moral decay all around us ---Satan's conquest for souls?
We fall into his snare when our message to others does not stress this spiritual combat --we don't go far enough after alerting others to the nature of Communism; or, having that knowledge ourselves, do not employ every spiritual weapon in the heavenly arsenal to obtain a victory that depends solely on God and our cooperation with Him, as His instruments, for the spiritual rebirth needed which concerns the temporal and eternal design of so many souls.
One of the most inspiring tapes available with this clear focus on conditions in the world today is entitled "Nuclear War, A Communist America, Or The Peace Plan from Heaven," a tape recorded lecture by Mr. Stephen Oraze, editor of Divine Love, P.O. Box 24, Fresno, California. One side, which lasts an hour, covers world affairs, the moral problems, and the solutions to be found in the Fatima message, and in the mercy of God for poor sinners. Side 2 contains about forty minutes of answers to questions most frequently asked, including one on the Fatima secret. It is well worth the price of $5.00. Everyone, without exception, should hear this vital message for the most important consideration at any time -- our eternal salvation.
Included also is a beautiful, clear explanation of consecration to Mary, a devotion little understood or practiced by most, but one of the most powerful means of obtaining graces for ourselves and others when our prayers and sacrifices are offered to Our Lord through her hands. Stressed also are the expressions and thoughts of love that can be sent heavenward by each and everyone of us throughout the day to offset the blasphemies; a veritable tidal wave of love against all the hate, so powerful in obtaining God's mercy in keeping evil from overbalancing the scales, and so easy to do even when we are busiest.
This, then, is the perspective that should be our greatest concern. "Seek first the Kingdom of God," should be our rule. By example and efforts we should lead others to this full knowledge of the real issues at stake. The greatest temptation is to believe we haven't time to put these "first things first" -- another delusion of the Devil; once this principle is adhered to, we will find more direction, time and energy will be spent with less tension and concern -- we are not fighting alone now; God is waging the battle, and we will be filled with new hope and confidence.
It is because our task is desperately difficult, our enemies numerous, with seemingly inexhaustible resources and organized with such diabolical cleverness that it is important our every step and move yield the most fruit to obtain this complete victory in the cause of Christ and souls.
Mrs. Helen Howell
NEW VIDEO ADDED (1967) "Conciliar or Catholic" by Father Gommar A De Pauw, Professor of Theology and Doctor of Canon Law
When will we realize our warfare is with principalities and powers, a diabolical intellect far superior to man’s, satanically organized in a concerted effort to destroy God’s Church?
* The first Sunday of Advent, November 30,1969, the Novus Ordo Missae took effect.
LETTER TO SR. MARY TREA - 1965 by H. Howell
My Dear Daughter,
...I have been thinking how very wonderfully I have been blessed in comparison to what other mothers who do have with problems in the family - either members outside of the Faith, or, particularly today, many separated by Liberalism which divides and splits. This was particularly noticed at the (Wanderer) Forum with the different ones I met - all conservatives, but many members of their families were not; even husbands and wives at opposite poles. Have decided this is too rare a blessing to go unheeded. It constitutes my complete moral foundation. It deserves my undivided attention and in the future it will be my main objective - as many prayers and good works as I can give for the good of all, with a closer union in contacts and whatever else I can do to help, particularly since you younger ones have all the energy to accomplish "great things for God".
Have spoken out with all the information necessary for others. The Liberals can take care of themselves from here on out, they've received far more consideration that they ever give anyway. The moral foundation which is already established within our family unit IS the motivating force which will carry all of us successfully through these times, and that is where all my energy will be focused in the future. Hear! hear! and you've got it in writing!
Have been disturbed at times in giving you the truth concerning the Church and our country lest it interfere with your vocation, but am no longer concerned in that respect. Who knows from day to day what the will of God is for each and every one of us? How much I believed nothing would ever cease my activities as a Legionary (of Mary) , outside of physical inability, and yet the road since has been the most unexpected, heartrending, and fantastic of anything that I would ever have imagined. No, I can certainly leave that matter entirely in the good Lord's hands. I am accountable for truth only. The results may mean added hardships for you, but truth has always been in the minority, it is never the popular road, and I can only hope by my prayers, correspondence, contacts whenever possible to help in whatever way morally is necessary to continue on your path to holiness, which is the only goal for any of us.
I like to talk big, and me thinks I have fooled myself when I say I am entirely detached because I find I am NOT AT ALL in regard to my family. This is my whole moral footing to see all of you doing so much for the honor and glory of God. This is the greatest. It is the real strength of unity so necessary to continue in the great challenge of this present day living. Perhaps I have never quite realized all the blessings that have been mine; have always been too careless about charity beginning at home. That was too true as a Legionary, I know, and now I am brought up short again. Well, never too late to do something about it, I hope; maybe the Blessed Mother did want those few seeds I have planted in the past to get out before she gave me this insight now, but then I never can differentiate too well between what is inspired and what is self-assertion, but am most suspicious of the latter. Anyway, it was grand having you home, and hope, before school starts, you will benefit much in getting set for the year ahead of you.
Love and prayers always,
LETTER TO FAMILY - 1965 by H. Howell
TV SURVEY - 1965 by H. Howell
“ For those of us who “keep up on our homework” in spite of the “boob tube”, we know the liberal establishment is in complete control of all communications media.
A survey will disclose only one important fact to them: how well have they succeeded in brainwashing, manipulating, demoralizing, and tranquilizing the American people into complete submission?
Our country is no longer governed “by the people, for the people“ and TV edition has done more to hypnotize a once free people into apathy and complacency in a false sense of “peace and security“.
An instrument that could’ve done so much in preserving the American ideal, personal responsibility to God and neighbor, has been turned into a Frankenstein of horror with its deadly intent.
Dissenting voices have long ago been tabulated for future use, but we have no intention of adding our identity, another important feature of such a survey is yours.
“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty“.
IF I WERE THE DEVIL (1965) by Helen Howell
AS PRINTED ON THE BACK OF THE RECORD LP JACKET: In the record trade, commentary on the reverse side of an album jacket is generally written by and signed by a person with an obvious intellectual or artistic relationship with the principal personality projected in the record.
A weak faith is easily scandalized. When we love, we do not doubt! To read past history of our popes is a test in itself. The scandal is not of God, but the enormous evil which He does allow for our good if we take advantage of every opportunity to grow in His love, clinging more tightly to Him and His Mother for all that is necessary in any battle. If we kept our eyes on them instead of self how differently would be our perspective. The Master teaches in the school of sorrow. We learn in union with Mary at the foot of the cross the price of love. He died for us but asks so little in return for a proof of our own - our hearts, our mind, our will. WE don't realize how much or self love opposes Him. That is why he has to force what we are not willing to give on our own. Like Job we can reach that total abandonment - "Even though He slay me, yet will I trust Him". Perfect rust never entertains doubt. Truth triumphs as the senses recede. How much has not Satan's contradiction of "we must understand"contaminated us. Our Lord said "BELIEVE for the faith that is firm, immovable as a rock! Circumstances today are just that to build this firm edifice.
We fear the wrong things. Self is the deadliest of enemies but poses as our dearest friend - the human spirit that "blinds" us in our own conceit. Love of faith embraces all truths in a whole. Obedience was loved as much as all our other treasures, the loss of which caused the greatest pain and suffering, the fear and trembling of a responsibility in interpreting rightly God's will when we no longer had this anchor to safely guide us.
"Even the elect will be deceived" is a frightful warning with evidence all around us. We can so easily be misled through an attitude of "non serviam" that becomes a defiance and ends in obstinancy of will. The fear of God that protects us from ourselves is the self knowledge and conviction of our nothingness, our total dependence upon His graces and mercy that "trembles" at our own weaknesses and infidelities, pleading constantly for His help or the strength and wisdom to remain true to Him and our Holy Catholic Faith within its proper structure as instituted by Him.
To have experienced this danger, that of being deceived into an organization outside of the truth faith, has deepened this awareness of a peril most to be feared, that of schism.
Father Grau who lived in times similar to ours, died in exile, wrote: "As regards those who at the sight of the scandals which reign in the fear either for her or for themselves, I say: their faith is weak and they are but little instructed in the events of previous centuries, if they are shaken by the events before their eyes. Have they forgotten the assurances given to His Church by Jesus Christ Himself, that the gates of hell shall never prevail against her, and the promise which He made to her pastors, to be with them even to the consummation of the world? Do they not know that the Church was born amidst the most terrible persecutions and that she grew by their very means was so cruelly persecuted St. Athanasius and the other defenders of the divinity of the Word, there has perhaps never been a century which has not offered the respectable, in the episcopal body, both of great virtues and of great vices, the murmurs of such souls and to reassure their wavering faith, I will bid them attend to Calvary. Who is He whom they see thus fixed to a cross as a blasphemer? Who are they who condemned Him to so infamous a death? Are they no the Pontiffs, the High Priests, the Doctors of the Law - in a word the Synagogue, which at that time represented, and indeed was, the Church among the Jews? Are they not those who sat upon the chair of Moses, and whose doctrine had been canonized by Jesus Christ Himself when He said to the people: "Do all that they tell you, but do not what they do"? And it was by this enormous scandal, by this Deicide, that was wrought the redemption of the human race. After this, is there anything with the power to shake our Faith?"
How can we, who know the importance of prayer and reparation in atonement for the offences against our Blessed Lord, fall victim to Satan's snare of rejecting the Holy Father? (Pope Paul VI) The general rebellion against him is the most serious consideration of reparation. Love knows that whosoever honors and love him honors our Lord, and by this filial love enraptures His Heart.
We need to deepen our truths for the loyalty of LOVE That conquers. Pick up any former book on the faith and see what is expected of us as Catholic in all trust, hope and confidence, the consoling doctrines of our belief:
Faith of our Fathers: "The Pope in every age, like his Divine Master, has his period of persecution and his period of peace. Like Him, he has his days of sorrow and his days of joy, his days of humiliation and death, his days of exaltation and glory. Like Jesus Christ, he is one day greeted with acclamations as King, and another day crucified by his enemies."
"But never does the Holy Father exhibit his title as Vicar of Christ more strikingly than in the midst of tribulations. If he did not suffer, he would bear no resemblance to his Divine Model and Master, and never does he more worthily deserve the filial homage of his children that when he is heavily laden with the cross!"
Father Faber expressed our need of triumph: "We are vowed by the dominance of heresy. It tarnishes our faith. It chills our love. It chokes, checks us, and galls us, and unmans, us, at almost every turn. No on comes quite unscathed out of the trial, least of all, those who think they do and have no fear."
We need the SPIRIT of faith, the adoration that acknowledges the dominion of evil nowhere, nowhere leaves the devil to himself or in possession, withdraws from no ground, but everywhere plants Gd's banner, and everywhere makes open acknowledgement of His universal sovereignty. A mind, ever brooding on God, saturated with the thought of God, and tho whose reasons God is the swift conclusion of all premises, has a science of its own and is a power on earth to which neither rank nor genius may compare. They must like and dislike, unerringly, they know nothing, and yet the future will show that God's glory was concerned, and that they judged as love and truth and clear light would have had them judge.
Faith of our Fathers: "God estimates men not by their numbers, but by their intrinsic worth. It is no credit to us to belong to the body of the Church Catholic if we are not united to the soul of the Church by a life of faith, hope and charity. It will avail us nothing to be citizens of the Kingdom of Christ which encircles the globe, unless the Kingdom of God is within us by the reign of the Holy Spirit in our hearts."
"The Holy Father may live and die in the catacombs, as the early Pontiffs did for the first three centuries. He may be dragged from His See and perish in exile, like the Martins, the Gregories, and the Piuses. He may wander a penniless pilgrim, like Peter himself. Rome itself may sink beneath the Mediterranean, but the Chair of Peter will stand, and Peter will live in his successors."
Faith of our Father by Rev. Frederick William Faber
Based on Hebrews 11:6
Rev. Frederick W. Faber Photo Credit: Henry Hering |
Faith of our Fathers! Holy Faith!
We will be true to thee till death.
Our Fathers, chained in prisons dark,
Were still in heart and conscience free:
How sweet would be their children's fate,
If they, like them, could die for thee!
Faith of our Fathers! Holy Faith!
We will be true to thee till death.
Faith of our Fathers! Mary's prayers
Shall win our country back to thee:
And through the truth that comes from God
England shall then indeed be free.
Faith of our Fathers! Holy Faith!
We will be true to thee till death.
Faith of our Fathers! we will love
Both friend and foe in all our strife:
And preach thee too, as love knows how
By kindly words and virtuous life:
Faith of our Fathers! Holy Faith!
We will be true to thee till death.[5]