BY THEIR FRUITS YOU SHALL KNOW THEM (written by Helen Howell, 1969)
When will we realize our warfare is with principalities and powers, a diabolical intellect far superior to man’s, satanically organized in a concerted effort to destroy God’s Church?
Satan has always quoted scripture when it suits his purpose, so of course he stressed the importance of the great central act of Catholic worship, our Holy Mass when he wishes to drop prayers and devotions, then nullifies its power with externals that cheapen, degrade and distract.
Our Catholic identity ceased on the first *Sunday of Advent 1969 when the “point of no return” was inaugurated – a regimented invasion of privacy wherein it is impossible to contemplate the divine mysteries of our Faith in union with God, WHICH IS A NECESSARY PRELIMINARY, if we would reap the abundant fruits of Holy Communion. It is like seeking an intimate conversation with a close friend but never getting more than a glimpse at regular social gatherings. “Then see Him afterward, at other times”, says the seducer, knowing full well his whole program has eliminated the fruits of Holy Communion that inspire the faithful, instead has given them, disappointment, frustration, disgust and that they will be more inclined to seek their consolation in his world of sensual pleasure.
The Sacred Rites of the Altar, the Holy of Holies, the intimate identity of Christ with His “other Christs”, which fostered that love and respect for our priests as such, now profaned, exhibited to the eyes of the curious for the contempt that familiarity breeds, all diabolically conceived to place the Celebrant in a position to obscure the throne of our Lord, a literal turning of his back on God, the sly insinuation that he is as God (Lucifer’s great crime).
“To Me, every knee shall bend”, says our Lord. When, anymore? The last Gospel dropped, proof of our Lord’s divinity. Externals, music, art, everything contrived to grate the finer sensibilities of man in his relationship to God, so beautifully expressing in the splendor of our traditional Mass.
He has all but perpetrated the perfect crime – the greatest denial and betrayal since Judas.
By their fruits you shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, and the evil tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can an evil tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them. Matthew 7:16
Written by Helen Howell
* The first Sunday of Advent, November 30,1969, the Novus Ordo Missae took effect.
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