Lucifer and his demons suffered the greatest torments when they encountered the invincible Armor of Truth, sanctity and the cross, particularly the symbol of their most crushing defeat at Calvary. Lucifer knows Truth; was so dismayed at all the treasures left in the Church for our salvation by our Divine Master and His Mother, he didn’t see how he could possibly trick us into serving him. He had little success in the early Church. Christians were easily identified bearing the strong armor of God. But faith has grown cold throughout the centuries, Christendom split and torn asunder and now rent within the bosom of the Church because too many listened to his perversion of Truth, the snare that has been proven most successful.
It is in the realm of ideas that the devil uses his semantics. The first condition of charity is not to violate Truth, and charity cannot be the snare to surprise Faith into the support of error. Our Catholic stand is absolute. Falsehood cannot be on the same level with Truth. Incompatibles cannot be reconciled; there is no alliance between light and darkness, and yet this is the paradox that exists in the Church today.
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Christ defined and condemned coexistence:
“You cannot have God and Mammon too.” We cannot serve two masters. Just whom are we serving today?
There is only one voice that is ruling with its contradiction of Truth - that of the liberal Catholic. For a Catholic to be liberal is the greatest incongruity because liberalism has always been the implacable foe of the Church. It is the evil of all evils today, condemned by Pope Pius IX in his “Syllabus of Errors” which crystallized all these errors and stamped them with the seal of explicit and formal condemnation of the Church. The Liberals were careful to “out-date” our past holy Popes. There is no contradiction in Papal Infallibility, but rather a forging of a chain in all their pronouncements.
Liberalism reverses the order of Christian charity. The clergy, in turning their back on the Tabernacle, (the rites at the altar had always been most deferential in this respect) offended God for the love of neighbor (the great needs of the people): whereas, perfect Christian charity teachers, to offend our neighbor for the love of God is a true active charity; not to do so is sin. We have our Lord's consolation: "What can man do against you? Fear only him who can kill the soul."
These changes were imposed on the faithful as being their most ardent desires. If so, why not all at once? Do we have to be conditioned for something that supposedly represents our fondest hopes? Now, much later of course, it is pointed out how wrong it is to turn our backs on the tabernacle, and the only solution is to relegate it to a side altar. Does anyone ever suggest that all things be restored in Christ, for Him, and with Him, instead of against Him? From there it is a simple matter to sweep him out with everything else that would distract from the cacaphony that has replaced the Sacred Rites of the Altar.
To slay Christ effectively decrees again the slaughter of the innocents. Unless the integrity of the Faith is guarded within the home, our children will be lost. They are being indoctrinated with new catechisms that omit the 10 Commandments, minimize sin to a nil, omit the “sacrifice” of the Mass, barely mention the word Catholic, with art that could do nothing but repel.
Are we serving God when His Authority is not being upheld? Why are there no thunderous Anathemas proclaimed against those flagrant ones who are defying the authority of the Church and perpetrating everything contrary to Truth, the Council and our Holy Father? Why is there such a Conspiracy of Silence on the part of our leaders that Truth is not defined, defended, and proclaimed as it always has been in the past? That is the real scandal. That no one is heard of protesting the “strange noises“ within the Church that sound more like 16th century Protestantism with their downgrading of our Holy Truth and Mary. Even Protestants are better informed today and are viewing us with scorn for our cowardly appeasement.
It is fantastic that Catholics could be forced into such apathy about Truth; could be made to believe it’s lines are indistinct; could accept the regimentation that has replaced its freedom, and in light of God’s Truth could except the social doctrine that is propagated now.
Inflexible Catholicity was the only armor that could protect one from liberalism which was best guarded by isolation from all infection, persons, and reading material which contains their insidious indoctrination and propaganda with which one is battered from all sides (including most of the Catholic press now.)
It is becoming increasingly dangerous to the integrity of the Faith, even Salvation, for a Catholic to place oneself in a position, such as Catholic Action, because all have consumed the deadly poison of liberalism, which in it’s very essence is Anti-Christ, Anti-Catholic. It is a wide road to perdition versus the narrow one of the cross.
Liberalism IS the “roaring lion“who is insidiously taking over the Citadel. It is challenging our Divine Master to drive out again those who have profaned His Holy Temple.
Written by Helen Howell (1966)
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